Monday, April 13, 2009

Is This Short Story Sad...Do you get it?

Last night he was drunk,and hit me very hard,but I know he is sorry this time because I received flowers today,it is not our anniversary,or any other special day.

Today,he still hit me,but I know he is sorry because I received flowers today,it is not valentine%26#039;s day or any other special day.

*I%26#039;m so scared to get help,because I depend much on him with my kids,and without him they would have no food at the table....

Today,I received flowers at my funeral,last night he beat me till death even thought my kids were watching,if I woulda have gotten help I woulda never received flowers today...

Is This Short Story Sad...Do you get it?
i get it, do you. time to get out of this before the flowers that

he senting you will be at the funeral. please get out for you

and your children you deserve more then that, you dont have

to depend on him or any one else. start to depend on your

self and your children. they need you. get the help you need

time to talk to someone. now. good luck toyou.
Reply:OMG, that is heartwrenching...:(
Reply:yes it%26#039;s sad, and yes, I totally get you?

Abusive relationships never end with apologies or flowers, they end when one person is broken or even worse, killed...

Get out now if you are involved in one......there is ALWAYS someone or somewhere to turn, never think you%26#039;re alone and NEVER think there%26#039;s no way out.....
Reply:Yes, I get it. I was a DV victim too, and got out BECAUSE of my kids. They didn%26#039;t need to live like that.

Today I am remarried to a wonderful man. There ARE happy endings.
Reply:Yes, I get it. And it really makes me sick to my stomach. How is dying %26#039;helping her kids%26#039;? I will never.......ever.......understand how this sort of thing is allowed to happen. It IS for real. There are women being abused on a daily basis.
Reply:Yeah i get it and what are you asking here???? If you are being abused get out now and get out fast..... Leave and do not look back.... This is a story that can really happen but why are you typing it?
Reply:Yes that is sad, and I hope you or your friend gets out of that relationship because it is inevitable where it is going.

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