Monday, April 13, 2009

Would this have been a good one year anniversary surprise?

Ok me and my girlfriend broke up two weeks ago. So it doesnt matter anymore, our one year would have been on the 16th of this month. I wanted to to take her too a movie downtown, have dinner, walk around, and then since theres a park downtown i would have walked her in the park, we would have had some fire works (nothing to boom boom but fun stuff) and i would have had candles tied together saying I love you ***** not a curse word but her name =P and then we would have gone home and she would find a glass flower and a poem on her bed, forgive me on the grammar but would this have been a good surprise?

Would this have been a good one year anniversary surprise?
sorry that you guys broke up! that would have been a cute anniversary.
Reply:one word, yes.
Reply:exceot for the glass flower, but the rest sounds rly nice. wait for your next girlfriend to come along.maby you can get to use this idea
Reply:it wold have been OK


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